Stay Healthy This Winter

Tips to keep you feeling good all season long.


Keep Hydrated

There is no end to the benefits of drinking more water: it keeps your skin hydrated and glowing, helps carry oxygen to your blood, quenches your thirst, and so much more. Drinking water in winter is especially important since it can also help flush toxins from your body and give your immune system a boost. Have trouble drinking up when the temps drop? A great reusable cup is a convenient (and cute) way to remind yourself to keep sippin’.


Reusable Cups Starting at $4.99

Stay Active

If you’re like us, your immediate instinct may be to cuddle up on the couch and stream your favorite shows until spring—but resist the urge!  Even moderate activity can give your immune system a boost, and fresh air is a great mood lifter. Consider a short walk outside to start or end your day.


Activewear Starting at $3.99

Sneakers Starting at $7.99

Wash Your Hands

Cough, cough, sneeze, sneeze: If that’s the soundtrack playing around your office, it’s time to go wash your hands. This smart and simple habit can help you avoid illnesses from the common cold to the worst of the flu. Our tip: Use a good soap and keep lotion nearby to avoid winter-dry hands.


Hand Soap Starting at $.99

Lotion Starting at $.99

Bundle Up

Your mom was right—you can lose up to 10% of your body heat from your head. Keep covered with a cozy hat, and pair it with a great pair of gloves. Our tip: Keep several pairs of gloves around the house for when one goes missing as you try to make your way out the door.


Hat Sets Starting at $4.99

Gloves Starting at $1.99

Brittany Miller